As with any medical condition, you have good days and bad days. If you lucky you have more good days than bad but that isn’t always the case. At the worst I was having what I call “episodes” every other day while I was in college. An episode for me is the worst symptoms that are associated with a fructose intolerance. And it was absolutely horrible. To go through something like that for a week straight or more is so draining. I was so stressed out, exhausted, and chronically dehydrated. I was down to 113 lbs. I normally weigh around 125-130 lbs but I was down to 113 lbs in three months. Crazy right?
Things haven’t been that bad since I got out of college. Things still weren’t great but things haven’t been that bad in two years now. I still do have bad days though. Which suck. I still end up being dehydrated and fatigued. It also affects work and my personal life. I’ve had to take a day off before because I was feeling so shitty. I’ve also not been able to go on dates because of it. I used to never know when it was going to happen. I still don’t always know when it’s going to happen even with watching my food intake and keeping a food diary. Sometimes by body will warn me when it is going to freak out. But it’s not always a whole lot of time before it happens after I figure out what’s going on.
The good days are wonderful. I can do the stuff I want or need to get done. I don’t feel like I’m dragging around from the fatigue or feel super dehydrated. I really can’t wait until all of this is under control and it’s not affecting my life so much. When it happens I’ll have to figure out a way to celebrate that achievement.