
2016 New Years Resolutions

2016-01-01 21.23.42
The day after his surgery

First blog post of the New Year! It’s hard to believe that 2015 is over. The last day of the year was not a very good day in this household. My beloved dog Jäger had a partial bowel obstruction and had to have emergency surgery. He was able to come home that night thankfully and I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep. I’m so glad that he’s ok and didn’t have a full bowel obstruction or a perforated bowel. Now we’re just focusing on him healing and so far he seems to be doing well.

There are a few things I want to work on in 2016 for the New Year:

  • Focus on what I can do, not on what I can’t.
  • Be more active physically when I can.
  • Get better at meditation
  • Ask for help when I need it.

I think these are the three things that I’m really going to try and focus on in 2016. There’s so many other things that I what to do, like blog more, lose weight. Try to keep my house clean. But I really don’t want to over whelm myself with things to do. Life can be hard enough as it is. Which is why I always try to focus on what I can do. And still need to improve on.

My fiance says that this is me to a T

Asking for help when I need it is another thing that I really need to work on. I always feel like I should be able to handle everything myself. I’m a pretty strong independent woman and I have a hard time with this. My fiance has also told me that I need to get better at asking for help so that I’m not so angry when I finally do. I have a bad habit of thinking that I can get everything done myself and I can’t always do that. At the Girls With Guts retreat in October we talked about how there’s nothing wrong with asking for help and I really need to remember that.

So here’s to a new year! I hope that everyone has a good one and wish you all the best.

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