This summer Sarah, Katelyn, and I are running a new campaign on Twitter for Girls With Guts. It’s called Love Your Summer. It is a way for people with IBD to share what their fun summer activities are. Now whether it’s camping, reading a book, walking your dog, or hanging out with your cat feel free to tag it with the #GWGLoveYourSummer tag! We will try to retweet your picture or status on the GWG Twitter page.
During this campaign, we will have some weekly topics that we will be posting about on the GWG Twitter page so keep an eye out for them! This week it is about hydration and IBD!
We wanted to do this to show everyone that you can still have fun summer activities, even if you’re limited in what you can do. A few of my favorite summer activities are:
- Reading a book
- Riding my dirt bike
- Smoking and grilling some tasty food!
- Walking my dogs
- Camping
What are some of your favorite summer activities?