December 5th was my yearly visit with my GI doctor. It was a very long day by myself(my trusty copilots are all out of town ☹). My doctor is 2.5 hours hours away(350+ miles and 5+ hours of driving!) and my appointment was delayed over an hour(procedures ran log, which is fine. I don’t want my doctor to rush those). But I did eventually see him. And I came home with a goodie bag.
Over the last month or so I’ve been getting more symptomatic. I’m not really in remission, but I’m not in a raging flare either. But symptoms are bad enough some mornings that I get delayed leaving the house to go on site for work by 2 hours or so. Which sucks. And I try to watch how much Imodium I’m taking.
So me and my doctor settled on budesonide. Which is better than prednisone! But I can’t take any other medications because I’m allergic or get severe side effects from them. And my last colonoscopy showed that the Humira has made the inflammation in my colon go down a lot. And my doctor is pretty sure I have #IBS along with #IBD(yey me!). So I’m kind of stuck with steroids at the moment.
9mg for 10 days(yey samples!), and then I will go to 6mg for a month and we will evaluate how I am after that. Hopefully it helps things settle down. My joints have also been really achy, which is unfortunate with my line of work. But fingers crossed I don’t get crazy side effects from it 🤞