Today marks my 14th day on the AIP diet. This diet has not been the easiest diet in the world. Some days are harder than others. What really makes it hard for me is the fact that I have to take my fructose malabsorption into account. And to take that into account that means I have to double check everything on ingredients lists for the AIP diet and compare them to the FODMAP list of foods I can and cannot eat.
I also really like potatoes, and dairy and gluten type foods. It’s been hard to cut them out. So far I’ve cut the gluten out and the night shades. I have not succeeded with the dairy quite yet. It’s probably going to be the hardest thing for me to cut out.
Over the last two weeks I’ve noticed that my joints are doing better. I don’t wake up with them as achy as I used too. My bowels on the other hand I’m not so sure on. I’ve had some weird stuff going on the last couple of weeks on and off. So we will just have to wait and see what happens with that.
One thing I learned this week is that I need to check my recipes in the morning to see what needs marinated for the evening meal. This would help with not eating so late in the day. Some nights this week I was eating dinner around 9pm. Which we all know isn’t the best thing for you.
I did not do as much Yoga this week as I had hoped to do. Kinda forgot about it until Tuesday night. And by the time I remembered it that day was a bit late to be doing Yoga. If I’m too active in the evenings(like working out) I’ve noticed that I have a hard time falling asleep. Which is another thing I need to work on anyway.
Another thing I had a hard lesson on this week was to make sure I eat lunch! Before going on the AIP diet I would quite often work through lunch and not eat anything until I got home. I did that on Friday and it was a huge mistake. I was so hungry when I got home and I was ready to throw the whole diet thing out the window and eat whatever I wanted too.
Hopefully next week goes better. But it’s currently Friday night and I have yet to do any meal planning for next week. Oops.
Until next time!
You’re doing it! Good for you!
Thank you! It’s definitley a process that I’m learning day by day.