… I have Eczema. I got diagnosed with it on March 8th. I have been having problems with my skin again. I had wanted my Rheumatologist to just prescribe me some steroid cream for it but he said that I needed to go see my dermatologist or my PCP for my skin problems.
So I went and saw my old dermatologist from a few years ago. The last time I saw him we kind of settled on Psoriasis without doing a skin biopsy. This time we decided to do a skin biopsy and it came back as Nummular Dermatitis(aka Eczema). This skin problem is probably going to be chronic due to my other immune problems. I’ve had this skin issue pop up a couple of times so I’m sure it’s safe to say it’s chronic.
I got some steroid cream for my skin and it helped a lot. The dry patches have already cleared up which makes me happy. I try to make sure to use lotion more on my skin so it doesn’t dry out. It doesn’t take much for it to get dried out anymore and get very irritated.
I’m hoping that this AIP diet helps some with my skin issues. But we will see. Also not sure when I’m supposed to go see my Dermatologist next? Guess we will see when I need a refill on my new medication.
Until next time!