
Humira Injections

I started Humira yesterday. Two of the injections were yesterday and two of them were today. I most definitely hate the fact that it is an injection. They hurt. A lot. I did two shots in my stomach and two in my thigh. My thighs definitely seem to be more tender than my stomach. I…

Weekend Update & Books

I think I actually had a decent weekend for once. I was able to get some stuff accomplished even though I do tire easily with my anemia. It helped that a friend was able to come over yesterday and help me out for a little bit. We painted my master bathroom and did some dusting…

Imuran, Enema’s & More

Today I tried to call the other GI practice in town and they haven’t been accepting new patients for three or four years now. This apparently includes getting second opinions. I’m probably going to call my PCP and ask them for a referral to another practice. So we’ll see what happens. It’s times like this…

Second Opinion Time

I finally decided to get a second opinion on my IBD. Especially since it’s clear cut as to whether I have Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis(UC). I tried to make the appointment today with the doctor that was recommended by my boyfriend’s coworker but they weren’t in the office today. It kind of drives me crazy how…

I Am So Angry Right Now

I feel like raging against the world tonight. You try to get ahead in life and as soon as things start to look up life decides you need a good kick in the teeth. That’s pretty much been my night tonight. I finally got the bill from my hospital stay back in December and it…

Latest Doctor Appointment

I had another doctors appointment on Monday and so far everything seems to be going well. My doctor wants me to keep my water intake up and I’m supposed to get about 25g of fiber a day. This is to help soften my stools since I’ve gotten a little constipated. I’ll be on the budesonide…