
Trail and Error

I hate trying to figure out what’s going to make my stomach upset when it comes to food. So far I’ve had pretty good luck when it comes to food but the other day for lunch I had Pad Thai and holy shit was that a mistake. I don’t think I’ve ever been in so…

Decisions Decisions

I feel that I have reached the point where I need to decide what my next move is. The budesonide isn’t working anymore. If it ever was. But anyways, my symptoms are getting bad again. The abdominal pain is back, along with my stools being messed up and let’s not forget the blood. This has…

Today I Feel Ickie

I’m definitely not feeling so well today. I started my new medicine today so I don’t know if it’s from that or if it’s from what I ate/had to drink last night. I had a lot of fried food for dinner and one mixed drink. I’ve had an upset stomach the day after having some…

10 Liters of IV Fluids Later

On Friday December 27th I was admitted to the hospital for dehydration and diarrhea. My body had finally hit rock bottom after fighting some pretty severe side effects I was having from a medicine I was on called Lialda. It was actually the active ingredient in it that was causing all of my problems. Here’s…