
Humira & Fatigue Update

I haven’t really noticed much of a difference so far on the Humira. I still get urgency and the bleeding had stopped before I was even on Humira. Although I have noticed that I’m, uh, having a hard time evacuating my rectum/anus. It’s something I need to talk to my doctor about at my next…

IBD Fatigue Scale

[youtube] Fatigue is probably one of the hardest symptoms to manage with IBD. I’m really glad that research is being done on it. Some GIs seem to worry more about the bowel movement part of the disease more than anything. While that is definitely important, I think it’s also important to also look at…

Weekend Update & Books

I think I actually had a decent weekend for once. I was able to get some stuff accomplished even though I do tire easily with my anemia. It helped that a friend was able to come over yesterday and help me out for a little bit. We painted my master bathroom and did some dusting…


Why am I frustrated? I’m over being anemic. I’m getting shortness of breath(SOB), chest pain, tachycardia(elevated heart rate), hot flashes and dizzy/feeling light headed. I. Am. So. Over. It. I went and saw my PCP today because yesterday I had tachycardia(M checked it and it was 130 beats per minute(BPM)), I was light headed and…

Life is Exhausting

Anemia sucks. It is the worst. I hate being tired all the time. I hate that I feel like all of the strength is going out of my arms. I hate that I can’t do everything that I want to do all the time. I just don’t have the energy. It’s also affecting me at…

Humira is Approved!

So, my Humira got approved today. And it should be here tomorrow. I have to call Humira tomorrow to set up an appointment to have one of their nurses come out and show me how to do the injections. I should also be getting my travel kit in the mail soon. Which will be very…